Saturday, December 12, 2015


Mondays Meeting will be at the Westmont Presbyterian church at 7 pm for service hours, please comment on the service hour post to make sure he gets credit for being there

Rechartering is due and will be 30 dollars, please comment on the recharter post if your boy will continue

We are still looking to see who all is interested in the cross country skiing on Jan 10th. Please comment on the skiing post if your boy, or family would like to attend

Just to Recap, sign ups and responses NEED to be posted on the blog. This is the way that the troop is communicating. It is up to you to make sure that this is done. If you are having problems with the blog, or have questions about it, or would like something posted on the blog, my contact info is on the front page of the blog and it is your responsibility to get the help or answers you need.

I realize this is new to some of you but I believe this is going to be the most effective way for the troop to communicate. As a side note, feel free to have the boys sign up for the blog using their email addresses as well.