2016 Klondike Derby
Keystone District, Laurel
Highland Council
Saturday, February 6th, 2016
Quemahoning Family Recreation
Quemahoning Dam Road Hollsopple,
PA 15935
Hosted by
Boy Scout Troop 2025, Richland Twp. Fire Department
to Boy Scouts and 2nd year Webelos
primitive overnight camping available to Boy Scout Troops only (reservations
Cost and Registration Online:
$7 per youth/ $3 per adult early
bird fee paid by 1/15 $12 per youth/ $8 per adult late fee paid after 1/15.
Registration closes 1/30.
7:00 – 7:45 Arrival, Registration
8:00 – 8:15 Flags, Instruction – Pass out Orienteering
8:15 – 9:50 Skill Station
9:00 – 9:35 Skill Station
9:45 – 10:20 Fire Building in Troop Site, start Dutch Oven
10:30 – 11:05 Skill Station
11:15 – 11:50 Prepare Lunch and start cooking
12: 00 – 12:35 Live
12:45 – 1:20 Submit Dutch Oven and Lunch Samples, Eat
1:30 - 2:05 Skill Station
2:30 Great Race – Staggered start, timed
race, check point cards.
Questions: Eric Lindrose –
(814) 241-3532
General Rules:
Sled Teams will navigate to each Skill Station using
compass bearing and distance.
Each Sled Team must cook a dutch oven item and hot lunch
item and submit a sample for judging.
may be prepared in advance but must be cooked on site during the event in the time
frame slotted.)
Troops must supply their own firewood for cooking.
No Wheels / Roller allowed on Sled.
All equipment must be on the sled; no back packs or day
packs will be worn, they must travel on the sled.
“Leave No Trace” (garbage in – garbage out).
Sled Teams will be scored at each skill station, food
samples and the Great Race, max. 10 points each. During the Great Race, sleds
must pass checkpoints by showing specific Sled equipment items. Adults are
observers, this event is for Scouts.
Skill Stations:
Fire Building
Rescue and First Aid
Team Skills
Great Race
Patrol Flag
Boy Scout Handbook
Lashing rope – 6 ft. min. length (15 pcs.)
Patrol First Aid Kit
Blankets (2 ea.)
6’ staves (2 ea.)
5 gal. bucket with natural (as it comes from the
tree) kindling, tender and fuel wood (lid must fit). 2 Styrofoam Cups per
Patrol Member
Water for drinking
Fire Starter (no matches)
Large Garbage Bag
Tristan & Gavin are NOT available for Klondike Derby.