Sunday, October 22, 2017



If your son is selling popcorn, orders and money are due on November 1st. Delivery of popcorn will be on November 17th.

Citizenship in the World

We started this required merit badge last week. Part of the badge is talk with someone from another country about scouting. We will have a visitor from Great Britain on Oct 31st at the meeting. She will be here visiting to set up bringing her scouts over next year and while she is here she will visit and talk with the boys about scouts there.

Service Opportunity

On November 4th at 10am we will be assisting with a rehab project on the trail by the inclined plane. You can expect to be clearing brush, raking and things like that. We will meet at the bottom of the inclined plane. Please let me know if you can make it so I can let Mike from benscreek canoe club know how much help he can plan for.

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