Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Spelunking, Ghost tour and more. Responses needed ASAP


We will be going spelunking in the lower cave at Laurel Caverns on Sunday October 22nd.

I have included the link below to answer all your questions but I need to know if you want to go ASAP.

Cost is $20 per person.

Comment below or text me with your response.

Laurel Caverns Spelunking

Ghost Tour

There is a haunted tour of Johnstown, this friday at 10pm. They take you on tours of haunted buildings, places and monuments, tell you the stories etc. We have had several members go on this tour and it is supposed to be awesome!!!

When: Friday, October 13th at 8 pm
Where: Central Park
Cost: $3.00 for scouts

Merit Badge Day

We are not doing this as a troop but if you are interested in taking any of these badges, complete the forms and send them in. If you have trouble with the forms etc, shoot me a text and I will send them to you in PDF form.

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