Monday, April 25, 2016

Reminders and info

The boy scouts are going to be running the concession stand at the soccer field as a fundraiser, every family need to pick a day. You should have all gotten an email with the sign up info and where to go. If you are having ANY trouble with the site, contact Dani at 814 341 6763. If you don;t call and you cant sign up its not an excuse.

Gunbash tickets. If you have unsold tickets and dont feel you will be able to sell them, you need to get them back to Jason at the regular monday meeting. We have people that are waiting to buy tickets but we have none to give them. Any unsold tickets will eventually become your responsibility!!

We have been working on emergency prep at the meetings and the boys were to dicuss an escape plan with you including meeting spots, 2 ways out of the house etc. Please make sure they have this with them for the meeting.

I will also post this on the blog but if you are not signed up to follow it you will soon get no notification of events.

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