Monday, May 8, 2017

Summer event Schedule

May 13th Flags on Graves

We will be meeting at Grandview cemetery on May 13th at 8am to place flags on the graves of US veterans. It should last about 3 hours depending on how many people show up from the community.

May 19th and 20th Stonyfest

Stonyfest will be the weekend of May 19th and 20th, we will once again be selling firewood, breakfast and dinner. There will be a sign up list for food donations coming very soon. We will be setting up around 5pm on Friday and will be done Saturday at 7. We will be camping overnight there so take advantage and get some camping nights!!

June 16th, 17th, 18th Putts Camp
We are shooting for June 16th-18th to have a mini camp at Putts camp, we will have boats and water activities there for free time but this year at putts will be focused on other merit badges such as leather work, indian lore, wilderness survival, pioneering, and others!!!

July 14th and 15th C and O bike trip

Our overnight bike trip is July 14th and 15th, more details to follow

July 22nd Day trip to Jamboree

Please see flyer on the previous post for details

July 28th, 29th, 30th Shooting Camp

We will once again be doing our shooting camp July 28th, 29th and 30th, these dates are tentative pending approval from the sportsmans club

French River Canoe Trip
Please see flyer in previous post for details, we will need to pick dates very soon to get this trip planned and done this year.

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