Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Next weeks Meeting, March,7th, 2016

Next weeks meeting will be a bit hectic but Im sure we can get it done!

For the Scouts
Next week we will be holding Boards of review, if your son is ready for a board of review please have them wear their class A uniform. If you aren't sure if they are ready for a board, feel free to contact me and I will let you know, almost all of the newly bridged boys are ready.

For the Parents
Next week we will be holding a parents meeting as well, it will be from 6:30 to 8pm and will cover troop finances, troop committee, plans for the summer concerning camps and activities and also the upcoming gun raffle for a fund raiser. Please plan to attend, if you dont attend, and dont know what is going on, it will become your responsibility to find out the information.

If I have not received your sons application to transfer to the troop we will give him his board of review but he will not be able to advance until we have it on file.

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