Thursday, January 28, 2016

Overnighter etc

As of right now, I have only received 4 responses from the boy scouts of people coming to the overnighter.

I have received 0 responses that the boys have talked to you about the drug program or saved money etc.


  1. I think Taylor can do the overnighter. I don't see any wrestling conflicts.

  2. Wes will not attend the overnighter. We did Discuss both the drug issues (use, addiction, downward spiraling, rehabilitation, reoccurrence) as well as the concept of savings. He is very frugal and still has part of his birthday Money (June) as well as most of his Christmas money.

  3. Ivan discussed with me the drug MTG you held. We had a VERY open discussion about it and hr has both Dan and Paul's numbers in his cell phone as asked to. The talk we had was very brutally honest for me, but I do not lie to my children. As far SD money goes, Ivan does chores but does not get paid for them . But he has been saving money for several months and only spending it wisely. Trying to prepare him for his responsibility of being a young man.

  4. Eli will nto be going to overnighter. I did talk to him about drugs and alcohol. We also had a very open discussion. We have not talked about saving money.

  5. Dunil will not be able to attend both Blue&Gold and overnighter.
