Sunday, December 29, 2019

Eagle Court Of honor, Re-charter, color guard

Eagle Court
What: Eagle Court of Honor for Gavin Miller
When: January 5th at 1pm, Reception to follow
Where: Christ Lutheran Church Elknud Lane
Uniform: Class A
RSVP: ASAP so we can plan for food

We need to know ASAP if your son will continue in scouts next year so we can get our charter turned in! Please RSVP via remind, or text me at 814-233-1464. With RADA sale we managed to keep our fee at $40 per boy instead of doubling it like national wanted.

Color Guard
We have been asked to provide 5 boys for a color guard at the ebensburg courthouse to swear in our newly elected offcials. I have 3 spots left so text me if your son would like to participate.
When: January 2nd
Where: Ebensburg courthouse
Time: 9am, we can then stay for the ceremony or leave if we need to get kids back to school.