Monday, February 18, 2019

Parents Meeting and schedule

Below is the summer schedule.
We voted to continue with $5.00 dues per month and pay per activity.
We will once again not be going to Seph Mack and doing mini camps.
If your child would like to attend Seph Mack, they can do so as a provisional scout, just ask and I will give you the details.
Where you see 3 options, we are going to do the whitewater/ caving option but I will be looking into age limits etc and will post details ASAP.
Please reach out to me or Paul to see where your child stands financially, a lot of people owe money because of rechartering fees and dues from last year.

March 2, 2019:    Natureworks, community service hours                                  
                               Where: Bottle works
                               Time: 10 am – 2 pm
April 27, 2019:     Adopt-A- highway, community service hours
                               Where: Meet at Pickn Chikn
                                Time: 12 noon - 4 pm
May 11, 2019:      Rec the Alleghenies, community service hours
                                Where: Greenhouse park
                                Time: 12 noon – 6pm
May 17-18:            Stonyfest, fundraiser
                                Where: Greenhouse park
                                Set up Friday night and camp, serve breakfast sat morning, dinner Saturday night.
                                 Ends at 7pm.
May 31-June 1,2: C&O canal, bike ride 59 miles
                               Where: Shepardstown, WV to Potomac Md.
                                Friday, drive down and run shuttles. Sat on the trail, Sun finish up and drive home.
                                Est. Cost: $25.00 per person
June 7-9:               Caving/Whitewater/ Merit Badges
                                Where: Lincoln Caverns or Laurel Caverns
                                 Info: See attached sheet.
July 5,6,7, 2019:   Gettysburg, reenactments and camping
                                Where: Gettysburg Battlefield
                                 Est Cost: $69 for adults, $45.00 for kids
                                 Fri, drive down and set camp, sat battlefield tours and activities, sun, battlefield and 
                                drive home.

July 26,27,28:        Kinzua Dam, canoeing, kayaking, sailing
                                 Where: Kinzua Dam
                                 Cost: $15-20 per person
Aug 9,10,11: Shooting Camp
                        Where: Benshoff Hill gun club
                        Est cost: $40.00 per shooter adults free
Aug 17,18: C &O canal big finish!!!
                    Where: Potomac Md to D.C
                     Est Cost: TBD based on activities in DC.

Whitewater/ Caving options
Option 1: Camporee
                   Geology and Mammal studies merit badge weekend. Lunch and camping included.
                   Includes rock and fossil collection
                  Cost $80.50 plus dinner and breakfast, $61 plus for adults
Option 2: Whitewater and climbing merit badges
                   Cost: $164 per person
                 1 days of guide escorted rafting and
                   1 day of guided climbing
                   2 nights of camping
                   2 breakfasts
                   1 dinner
                   2 lunches

Option 3: Whitewater and Caving
                  Cost: $120- $130 per person
                   1 day of rafting
                          1 night of camping
                   1 dinner
                          1 breakfast
                          1 lunch
                          Guide escorted rafting trip
                          3 hour lower caving or Cave Rapelling