Sunday, June 12, 2016

Canoe Camp responses needed ASAP.

As of right now, I only have 4 boys and 3 adults registered for Canoe Camp. I will eed to get moving on this pretty quick so please either comment, email or text me how many scouts, how many adults and how many siblings will be attending as soon as you can. Thanks.



Benshoff Hill Sportsmens Club has again agreed to loan us use of their club for a weekend for the boys to participate in a weekend of shooting sports. The weekend is July 22 through July 24th.

The following weekend is their annual Family Fun Days. Since the club is always so generous with the use of their facility I told Steve Lindberg that we would assist in preparations for the weekend by helping clean up the property while we are there. In addition to our typical responsibilities of cleaning up trash, etc., we'd also pitch in by removing some brush, mowing grass, and the like. This can easily be undertaken as we spend the weekend there.

The Monday prior,July 18th, I would like to use the regularly scheduled meeting for the classroom work. All Scouts are encouraged to come to this meeting, but those earning their rifle, shotgun, and archery badges MUST attend the classroom session. If a Scout cannot attend on this date, but plans on earning these badges the following weekend, let me know. I can always work with them to schedule an alternate day/time for this portion.

We'll cover safety several times over the weekend at Benshoff Hill, so everyone shooting will know exactly what is expected of them.

Several parents are looking to get these dates on their calendar, so please share this message via the blog.




Wednesday, June 8, 2016

This years Canoe Camp

Putts Camp has not been returning phone calls, emails, etc. So we are going to go to Shawnee that weekend instead. We will be leaving on June 24th around 4pm. We will be coming home on Monday around 4 pm as well. I need to know as soon as possible and no later than Monday June 13th if your son is going to attend and how many people will be coming. Cost should still be around 50 to 75 dollars per person. As soon as I have a list of people I will publish a final list of what merit badges will be offered. We will work to make sure that even if your son has all the water based merit badges that he can earn others. Any questions, feel free to give me a call.